Hey puppies im sorry for not being online as much as I did it's just my smart TV updated and I can't get my messages to load so I will be online a little bit ok
@Skyethecockapoo PUTIN IS A OLD FORMER KGB SPY from the old days and is dying from BLOOD CANCER. Even people that know him on the USA AND RUSSIA says This is not the PUTIN that we once knew. He is loosing his mind and even his troops are deserting the war cause Ukraine is kicking their butts. UKraine is knocking out their food and weapon supply areas and their will to fight is near zero.
I'm very sure if he starts talking about using nuclear weapons that he will be removed from office fast and the troops recalled. NO NATION WINS in a nuclear war.
This is what the M.A.D. POLICY IS. mutually assured DESTRUCTION.
The USA won't let that happen either I'm sure there is a just in case plan if he goes nuts.
We have plans for everything.