
Dearest readers,
          	I finally happened, I posted the 9th chapter!
          	I know the wait had been a loooooong one, I regret the followers I lost through this period of time, and humbly thank those who remained. I don't take it for grunted and it thrills me that I managed to capture your interest with my story.
          	The encouraging remarks and requests for me to go on did not go unnoticed - it was the fuel I needed to get through a rough time in my life and get back to doing what I love: write. Again, there are no words to convey my gratitude! Unfortunately, I don't have enough room to mention all of you. Well, you know who you are, please consider these words as directed at you personally :)
          	This chapter will be going through another editing as I'm not completely happy with it - your input is very important to me. Please share your thoughts with me and comment.
          	I promise to do my best and keep updating regularly so till the next chapter farewell and thanks for the fish :D


Dearest readers,
          I finally happened, I posted the 9th chapter!
          I know the wait had been a loooooong one, I regret the followers I lost through this period of time, and humbly thank those who remained. I don't take it for grunted and it thrills me that I managed to capture your interest with my story.
          The encouraging remarks and requests for me to go on did not go unnoticed - it was the fuel I needed to get through a rough time in my life and get back to doing what I love: write. Again, there are no words to convey my gratitude! Unfortunately, I don't have enough room to mention all of you. Well, you know who you are, please consider these words as directed at you personally :)
          This chapter will be going through another editing as I'm not completely happy with it - your input is very important to me. Please share your thoughts with me and comment.
          I promise to do my best and keep updating regularly so till the next chapter farewell and thanks for the fish :D


Please tell me you are going to finish this. Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?


Hey Josie,
            Yes yes yes I'm going to continue with this story! Thank you soooo much for your request - it really made my day!!!
            I'm having a little difficulty with the writing both because of personal issues (which affect my inspiration) and because I find the work I did on the ninth chapter so far not up to par. I thought I should give it some more thought and work, but as time goes on and I'm still not happy with it I figure I should post it as is and let the readers express their opinions in the matter and maybe edit it later on. Now, instead of trying to fix it I'm working on finishing the chapter so if everything goes according to plan you'll get to read it before the weekend is over.
            Thanx again for the support, I can't tell you how much that means to me!!!


Really pleased votes weren't lost. Will re-start Fight or Flight and see if I can add some more votes while I'm at it.
          Continuing to struggle with my story, but am getting so many details sorted out, that I'm hopeful it won't be too long before I really get going. Maybe not before Christmas as I originally hoped, but not too long I promise. Will definitely dedicate the first chapter to you when I do for the continued support and encouragement.
          Give Pepsi a stroke for me.
          Take care, speak soon. Jace


Hi Anat. Long time no speak. Won't mention writing, except to say Pepper needs a blanket to replace his lost hair...
          Just writing to say that I had a problem with Wattpad phone app and found every book I had ever looked at in my library. That is sorted out now but my 'book marks' are gone. I was wondering if that meant that my votes had gone too. If you could check and let me know so I can go back and vote again if they are.
          Looking forward to the next chapter, but no pressure to update.
          Best wishes, Jae-Chris


My darling J-C,
            It HAS been long since we last spoke/wrote/communicated! I was so busy wollowing in the misery of my writer's block I haven't checked in for a while... It's so good to read from you, even though the disturbing news of Boo's hair lose ;D 
            Pepsi is making a good use of that fluffy warm blanket you inclosed to one of your messages as well. Our poor pets should form a club... (Shall we call it 'The writer's block casualties club' - or TWBCC for short?)
            To answer your question about the votes - I still have the same number of votes, so I guess yours were not erased. Thanks for your concern, I don't think that in my current state I could have taken it if the number of the votes to my story would have been reduced!
            Hope all is well with you, and yeh dying of curiosity about your tale, but no pressure :)
            All the best,


Hey everyone!
          Since the seventh chapter ends with a really intense cliff hanger I thought it wouldn't be fare of me to keep you in suspense any longer. I haven't yet finished the eighth chapter but decided to publish it in two parts, so if you get to the end of the first part and feel it's not quite done, you would be correct :))
          While I work on the second part I would be more than happy to recieve your commentary!
          Till the next upload - enjoy :))