
I've signed up for an account at 20lines, so if you're over there too - pay me a visit!^^


Happy birthday Skyla!!! :D I hope your day is awesome!! ^_^ 


@AniMangaL0ver haha thanks, Ani :D It is :) lots of sun and delicious Wattpad goodness ;) And I just read your newest addition, Tail, and I really like it :) Keep it up! ^^ And congratulations to you as well, turning 20 and all :D


HAHA YEEEAAAAH!!! I got in!!!!!!! (I know, I'm so incredibly late in telling the verdict...-.-) But, I'll be going to a boarding school (the Swedish equivalence of college, called "Högskola", which directly translated means High School - ikr, MindF*ck+2000) in 18 DAYS!!! xD 
          I hope it'll give me some inspiration :)