Hey everyone, SkylaberryUzumaki here! It's been a long time since I have written any of my stories and publish it. I have been on a huge hiatus ever since the end of my freshman year of high school. Right now, I have graduated high school and I am planning to continue writing my unfinished stories. I am also planning to rewrite the first edition of A Crazy Life of High Sierra (well, not really, I am just fixing the grammar errors. I wrote the first edition at the end of my middle school year at the beginning of my high school year. LOL). Anyway, I am also going to rewrite my Code Lyoko fan fiction as well. There were a lot of things I wanted to change like one of the character's names, so if all of you have read my Code Lyoko fan fiction, then you will see a couple of changes. I am trying to be a better writer and I want to make sure that my stories are decent. I have developed my writing skills and I will be working on a series of stories called Flash Fiction prompts. I will also take any written requests from my viewers and publish it on Wattpad. Just leave your usernames on my direct messages and I will post it at the end of the story.One last thing before I go, I will be continuing the High Sierra series and making sure they are published. My goal was to finish it before I go to college, but that didn't work out. So I have a deadline for myself and I want to complete it. Well, that's all of my rant for the night. Make sure you guys stay tuned on my upcoming stories! See you guys soon! *waves goodbye* -Skyla McCullough