
The lights just shorted out. At least the wall sockets weren’t affected. I’ve had a little look and it’s most like a problem with the circuit itself so they probably won’t be back up for a while. Anyone have any good inside in the dark games?


The lights just shorted out. At least the wall sockets weren’t affected. I’ve had a little look and it’s most like a problem with the circuit itself so they probably won’t be back up for a while. Anyone have any good inside in the dark games?


GAHHHH. So, I have a massive history project. I’m not done. It’s due tomorrow. *insert Amy Shark’s Middle Of The Night here if you know what I mean* It’s gonna be a long night. Also, really sorry for not updating. Once I get through this particular assessment it should be much better. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with me!


Ok so yesterday my younger cousin came over (she’s three and she’s adorable). She  absolutely LOVES me so it was my job to keep her entertained while the adults built a table (cause that’s why they were there). We get out styrofoam sticks and one of those long squishy bendy sheets of cushioning stuff if you know what I mean (not bubble wrap). She gives me the sheet and starts calling me princess. BUT THEN she gives me the styrofoam sticks, calls it my sword and grabs herself one of my brothers nerf guns. Hence, we became warrior princesses on quests to find legendary items and saving ourselves from dragons. I’m so proud <3 


@SkylarCeleste that is so stinking cute I love the warrior princess idea. Little kids are so fun to talk to because some of their ideas are fantastic! Although they don't understand some things (a 6 year old thought I would fit in one of her princess dresses... yeah no)


@SkylarCeleste That is just precious. Battle on, my liege!


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So..... our world is messed up. I’ve been following the abortion situation in America and correct me if I’m wrong but many states have passed the anti-abortion laws (though they are yet to be implemented) even Alabama with their almost complete ban (I read an article from 17 hours ago saying that it’s been passed). These laws dictate that abortions are only allowed if the mother or fetus will not survive. BLOODY WHAT?!Supporters of the laws are even comparing abortions to the Holocaust and other genocides! Like what the hell! And it has even been said that mental health and emotional wellbeing isn’t a legitimate reason, not even mental illness unless it’s “serious enough that both parent and child’s lives are at risk”. They won’t even allow abortions in cases of rape! This sort of scares me because I’m going to Alabama in a few weeks (I know it’s irrational because the laws won’t be implemented for a while yet but still) and basically, what these laws are saying is if I get raped, I am forced to carry a child and give birth even though I’m still at school and just trying to get by. If this did happen to me and these laws were in effect, i wouldn’t have much of a problem with this because I can get an abortion back in my country, THANK GOODNESS, but not everybody can, or at least, not for much longer. Teenagers should be worrying about school or even just having fun and being a kid not morning sickness, cravings, fear of being outcasts, ect for a baby they didn’t want that will be taken away from them when it’s born and put into foster care. I just- GAH. Things like this piss me off. It’s right up there with anti-vaxers, flat earthers (I’m ok with “Australia doesn’t exist and they’re all just actors”, that ones kind of fun to play along with tbh. Also, question how do people even make up, let alone believe that stuff?), homophobes, racists, sexists and a certain American carrot. 


@sugar_skull_lover @BurningGlory exactly! They know zilch but they still force their opinions upon others and use their power and money to dictate what we should think and do horrible things. I mean, I get where they’re coming from, but the alternative is much worse. By changing the laws, these @$$h@t$ are ruining lives. They just don’t think about repercussions of their actions. And nowadays everything is done for political power and favour, not many politicians do the right think for the sake of doing the right thing anymore. To them, it’s all a game. But it isn’t, these are real people and real problems. I’m just hoping that our generation is more competent and gets this. If I’m going off Wattpad alone, things will be a lot better when it’s our turn. Unfortunately, that only accounts for the minority and I’m constantly reminded how stupid some people are (I had a science exam today and afterward I had a girl ask me  how to calculate DDT, as in an equation. DDT is a chemical that was introduced as pesticides but has since been found to be really bad for the environment. Another, someone didn’t know that the city we live in is a city). Honestly, Wattpad writers should just become the new government and this is nowhere near the first time I’ve thought this.


@SkylarCeleste Yay! More stupidity, in an already stupid and hateful world.