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So..... our world is messed up. I’ve been following the abortion situation in America and correct me if I’m wrong but many states have passed the anti-abortion laws (though they are yet to be implemented) even Alabama with their almost complete ban (I read an article from 17 hours ago saying that it’s been passed). These laws dictate that abortions are only allowed if the mother or fetus will not survive. BLOODY WHAT?!Supporters of the laws are even comparing abortions to the Holocaust and other genocides! Like what the hell! And it has even been said that mental health and emotional wellbeing isn’t a legitimate reason, not even mental illness unless it’s “serious enough that both parent and child’s lives are at risk”. They won’t even allow abortions in cases of rape! This sort of scares me because I’m going to Alabama in a few weeks (I know it’s irrational because the laws won’t be implemented for a while yet but still) and basically, what these laws are saying is if I get raped, I am forced to carry a child and give birth even though I’m still at school and just trying to get by. If this did happen to me and these laws were in effect, i wouldn’t have much of a problem with this because I can get an abortion back in my country, THANK GOODNESS, but not everybody can, or at least, not for much longer. Teenagers should be worrying about school or even just having fun and being a kid not morning sickness, cravings, fear of being outcasts, ect for a baby they didn’t want that will be taken away from them when it’s born and put into foster care. I just- GAH. Things like this piss me off. It’s right up there with anti-vaxers, flat earthers (I’m ok with “Australia doesn’t exist and they’re all just actors”, that ones kind of fun to play along with tbh. Also, question how do people even make up, let alone believe that stuff?), homophobes, racists, sexists and a certain American carrot.