This is the hardest thing I've had to write. For a long time I think I have clung onto the hope that I would continue this one day, but it's genuinely not fair to you all to have you all waiting for something that most likely won't happen. I started TQN when I was 14. I am 21 now and a part of growing up is changing. I think for a long time I was forcing myself to finish something that 14 me started. And I think a lot of you could sense that I wasn't giving my all in the chapters. And don't get me wrong I still love TQN and I had hoped this would be the one story I could finish. Which is why for so long I stopped myself from starting other projects. When I didn't realize old me had already moved on. I didn't think it was fair to you all to just leave the story like that, but it is also not fair to you all to give you a half assed story when I used to put so much work into it. TQN is the only one I could see myself maybe in the future finishing, but for now I must leave it be and wait until my heart is in it again. As for TDT, that's one story I have to sadly let go of since I never really started it. I'm seriously so grateful to you all. This beautiful community of readers. You have all been my sunshine on my darkest days. I was contemplating on just revealing to you all how TQN would end, but if one day I finish it I don't want to spoil it. Thank you again for everything you have done for me. When I say you saved my life I really mean it. If this is where we part ways then I just want to say one last time that I love you and from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful to you <3 If you'd like to stick around and follow me on my journey to see what I do next I'll leave my Youtube, my twitter, and my insta down below. <3 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqvINtKqNtCU_IFbbkSPVzw Twitter: skylarjonesx3 Insta: xskylarjonesx "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." T.S. Elliot

@SkylarJonesx3 I don't mind, I'm just glad you're okay and at least put in the effort to tell us instead of just disappearing! And I love you too! ☺️