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Feeling like i'm not enough for someone i love feels like shit might take a break...

@SkylarTheDuckLover Yea, you know what, lemme throw you a bone. I've died a thousand times, and screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me, her. 25 years of reflection, learning, and understanding,vall under the blanket of depression of her being gone. I never wanted that feeling, that want to love after her. 25 years of being just there. 25 years later, she's in my life again,and everyday gets better for me, I'm about to open my own business. Don't look at depression as something bad because deep in your head, know it or not your sub-concious is making repairs to your "you". Just a thought.

@Nazkazitis Thanks For Caring Hun I'm Ok Now But I'm Not Gonna Get Comfortable Because Knowing Me My Depression Will Take Over My Life Again.

@SkylarTheDuckLover You sound like you're in a bad space :/ Hope it has gotten better for you lil Miss.