High again, sorry to disturb you. So I know you said that there's only a very slim chance of you finishing "Forever My King", but I was thinking MAYBE you could just do a summary of what happened next and then a last chapter (not forcing). Anywho, here's my imagination of what happened in the end. So, after Kat dies, Roxy and Barb and the other rulers or something will defeat the bad guys (whoever they are). Roxy will admit to her feelings of stress and being overwhelmed to the others, they'll hug and kiss and basically everyone will make up. Some years later (haven't really decided the exact number of years yet) it'll be Harmony Holiday. After the celebration with the whole Trolldom, after which all the leaders will come together privately in the great hall (I think that's what it's called) to have a memorial for Katherine with the song "See You Again" (Roxy will be playing the piano with Barb on her ). Poppy and Branch, Barb and Riff, Trollex and Maya,Trollzart, will have kids by then, and I imagined Prince D would be the king and have a kid with his own wife.

Im sorry, but no. Im gonna give it to you straight. I never wanted the sequel to exist. I was pressured into releasing it. I do not wish to continue it, nor will I ever. I have since moved on from trolls and am doing other things. Please stop bothering me about this. Thank you.