Well I am slender man daughter and welcome. I am a portaler and I have been in testing for years. I hope I can get back into my old pasta ways. My father and I have a story of how I got to where I am. To my true home yet I have the story on another site so I have to copy my own story on to my other page here. So please don't type copier on the ,http://www.quotev.com/SkylerBurn or here. Bye X3. Smile...
- Creepypasta Manison
- انضمJuly 15, 2013
قم بالتسجيل كي تنضم إلى أكبر مجتمع لرواية القصص
قصة بقلم Skyler
- 1 قصة منشورة
This is a story about a girl name Skyler who was taken away from her home the Creepypasta world and brought t...
#292 في slender
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