this message may be offensive
Um hi,every since i commented on @raurashake story it made me think,isn't Wattpad supposed to be free and do whatever u want?that's why im here.But she started being 'rude'and telling me just because im 10 i can't swear.Actually,i can,God gave me a mouth,im here to speak my own opinion. :/,if i say 'FUCK U ROSS'im saying it cos that how i feel and it's my opinion.not everyone is the same,i fell different and Ross lynch and u cant do nothing to stop me about that.U saw other people swore on ur story but u come straight to my comment like u hate me or something.if u hate me just tell me cos now u made me feel like im a piece of shit getting kicked on the ground.it's not fair,ok.

Okay. Im sorry. But i told you in the comments like I did to everyone that I didnt want swearing, and you didnt like... just take care

@raurashake its just that im going through alot right now and i only hv a limited time to be free,i didnt know,sorry.