I'm now open to all pronouns! She/he/they! All work!!

OKAY UPDATE I WAS GONE FOR LIKE A WHOLE MONTH WTFFFF OKAY SO I'm gonna stop writing on wattpad and I probably won't go back to it, BUT I UPLOAD NEARLY EVERY DAY ON DEVIANTART https://www.deviantart.com/leopardwind So go follow me there I AM still writing stuff! I'm just focusing on outlining both Lost Souls and Crown of Shadows (more info on dA) WHELP ANYWAY SORRY

Stuff is going on. I'm personally not doing great (although no one cares about that), and that's reflecting in a lot of my work. The hiatus will probably still be going until the end of October at the very least, if I continue writing on here at all. I'm still drawing, so go check me out on there. You'll get snippets of stories in there! I mostly draw fan-art for shows (mainly The Owl House and She-ra) but there's OCs in there too! https://www.deviantart.com/leopardwind Sorry [again] I haven't been active. I'm pretty stressed out right now, and, as I said, both my physical and mental health are not good. Sorry again

@Leopardwind It's totally fine, it must be really difficult, I hope you start feeling better :)

OH MY GOSH I'VE BEEN SO INACTIVE WHAT THE- SORRY MY GOSH So uhhhh Here's some stuff. As you can probably tell, I'm on a bit of a writing Hiatus. I've been drawing a LOT more and I've improved a ton, and I just opened a new discord server https://discord.gg/RBajn9m Go join hehe The watcher rank is reserved for people following my dA! If you are following me here but not dA, you won't get the rank. Admin is reserved for close friends. Also... I've started something new! I won't be posting it on Wattpad (yet) but I'm pretty proud of it so far. Sorry I've been gone so long. I'm gonna be on this hiatus at LEAST until October, sorry everyone Anyway, sorry I was dead for a while. Go follow me on dA I'm actually active on that https://www.deviantart.com/leopardwind

Hi! Just wanted to ask a few questions :D So first, when do you think the next chapter of Echoing Storm might come out? I hope it comes out soon :) And second, are you going to make any other chapters for HEY? (Idk why I'm asking this lol) Thanks!

https://www.deviantart.com/leopardwind/art/Finchblossom-848769318?ga_submit_new=10%3A1594781229 Fanart for @kabocha-chan 's fursona, Finchblossom!

Hi, another post! Here is just a report of how books are doing! The Sky Lands: Going strong! I know the chapters are getting shorter (sorry about that) I've been drawing a lot, but I will continue the series! Outcasts: This is CANCELLED. I love to write warriors, but I just got bored with the book and will not be finishing it. Hey: This is just a joke book lol :D Adara's Story: Completed! Roleplay: Cancelled. The people who joined didn't roleplay and nothing is going on with it If __ Lived: Not sure. Probably cancelled. Backstabbers: Cancelled Haze Dayz: Cancelled. I know I just cancelled a ton of books lol. But.... Some of you know that I am starting a comic! I am not sure when I'm starting- currently planning on re-drawing the cover and the first page, so that Misty (the person shading them and doing backgrounds) can actually help, and somehow I deleted the file for her... My friend Karma Kat is doing text for me- thanks Karma! Sooooo would you guys be interested in a writing version of that on here? Let me know! Join the Silver Shadows discord server! https://discord.gg/Ybzscz Thank you!

Hey everyone! I do not mean this to anyone in particular, but please read it anyway. So, I've seen people doing things like 'If you agree, put this on your bio!'. And I just want to say that I do agree with most of these things. But I will not post them on my bio or on the conversations tab. For these reasons: 1. I personally feel pressured to do this, and I know that people know I have read their bios, and will get upset with me if I don't post it 2. I do not want other people to feel pressured to post it on their bio 3. I want to keep my wattpad page to be more positive for you guys <3 So, thanks for reading this, I hope you all agree with me, thank you!

NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2A4l3bg-BxGVNY58OZu3g Thanks!