
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YALLLLLLL <333 ️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍ you all have my love and support always <333 


Discord is Skypawpal#9480 don’t be afraid to talk to em or if ya need to vent HMU 


if you would prefer to use another social media app just lemme know I have pretty much any of them you could think of OwO


@iputthepaninpanta sure I love making new friends! ^_^ HMUUUUU!!!! :p


@SkypawpalUwU i've never really talked to you or anything but can i add you? Sorry that sounds super weird- 


Hey, I’m just writing this to let anyone and everyone know that if you need someone to talk your problems with PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME if you have no one else who will listen to you I will or even if you do have people who will listen to you but you just don’t wanna take to them (trust me I know the feeling ) or under any circumstance if you need someone to vent to I can be that person if you just need someone to talk to and it’s not really a problem I can be that person! I love and care about everyone who is reading this and the ones who have not and never will read this if you have a problem anytime HMU and we’ll get through it together! People need to be more kind and thoughtful of others and I wanna be someone who will make a positive difference in someone’s life
          if you are EVER even SLIGHTLY considering this please contact someone before you go through with it if you don’t wanna talk to a professional for any reason PLEASE feel free to contact me I will get back with you and listen to you till the end of time if you would prefer to talk voice chat I have discord but I really don’t  wanna show my face I’m really  sorry I’m shy >_<
          TLDR if your ever down contact me and  about it together ❤️ or if ya just need a venting buddy 
          Remember to eat and drink some water today also get some sleep bye love you ❤️


Hey, I’m just writing this to let anyone and everyone know that if you need someone to talk your problems with PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME if you have no one else who will listen to you I will or even if you do have people who will listen to you but you just don’t wanna take to them (trust me I know the feeling ) or under any circumstance if you need someone to vent to I can be that person if you just need someone to talk to and it’s not really a problem I can be that person! I love and care about everyone who is reading this and the ones who have not and never will read this if you have a problem anytime HMU and we’ll get through it together! People need to be more kind and thoughtful of others and I wanna be someone who will make a positive difference in someone’s life
          if you are EVER even SLIGHTLY considering this please contact someone before you go through with it if you don’t wanna talk to a professional for any reason PLEASE feel free to contact me I will get back with you and listen to you till the end of time if you would prefer to talk voice chat I have discord but I really don’t  wanna show my face I’m really  sorry I’m shy >_<
          TLDR if your ever down contact me and  about it together ❤️ or if ya just need a venting buddy 
          Remember to eat and drink some water today also get some sleep bye love you ❤️


JSHGHGHAJHSG Thank you so much for following and saving two of my trashy books :D i really appreciate it a lot! I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night wherever you are fellow mortal >:D (also just wondering, how did you find me-)


@SkypawpalUwU awh thanks a lot! Remember to stay hydrated and have rests when you need them bye :D


@ryoto_touma and have a good day/afternoon/night wherever u are too^_^


@ryoto_touma Alden sorry it took me so long to respond I didn’t see the notification 