
Working very slowly on my fanfiction of Once Upon A Time! Whoo! I'm currently working on Chapter 3. The couple that will be happening is..... Emma and Regina!


Hello to all of my The 100 readers! I posted a new The 100 fanfiction called "Life Gives You Whiplash". This story is centered around Lexa BEFORE Clarke's appearance and I have 4 chapters finished so far. Slow updates as I write. Enjoy!


I have done more writing for Freedom, Comes At A Price in two days, then I usually do in a week! :O Okay, I admit it, I'm still addicted to 9-1-1 and love writing for it!
          Chapter 19, aka the ending of Season 2, is going to be completed tonight! Bullseye!


Wow, 1.2k reads for Freedom, Comes At A Price! All of you love to surprise me and thank you to everyone who is reading my 9-1-1 story!!!!!! I'm currently writing Chapter 16/17 but in celebration post the next chapter for all of you! Thank you a million times over, everyone!