
Hey, guys! (or anyone that is left) I was sifting through old files, trying my best to recover art from 2015 that was posted on Google + and here on Wattpad. I thought for a second and I wanted to ask anyone who still may be on Wattpad and had enjoyed my stories back in 2015-2017; I was thinking of writing my oc stories on here (not Warrior cats, I doubt anyone here really is still actively in the fandom). I will keep thinking about it, but it is a consideration of mine. Reply back to this if anyone is interested.


Hey, guys! (or anyone that is left) I was sifting through old files, trying my best to recover art from 2015 that was posted on Google + and here on Wattpad. I thought for a second and I wanted to ask anyone who still may be on Wattpad and had enjoyed my stories back in 2015-2017; I was thinking of writing my oc stories on here (not Warrior cats, I doubt anyone here really is still actively in the fandom). I will keep thinking about it, but it is a consideration of mine. Reply back to this if anyone is interested.


Hi, it's been forever, hasn't it? Obviously, I have never exactly returned to continue writing my books. I deleted them all years ago, stories written and art posted even more years ago when I was still known as Skyfeather. Even if those stories were pure cringe, I still have fond memories of those early internet days of mine around 2013. I regret deleting those, I wish I had something left from Wattpad or Google +. (Honestly if anyone has old screenshots of my art(I highly doubt), please contact me on Instagram.) For those who have always been supporting me and especially thank you to the ones who followed me from Google +. I'm sorry to say that I won't be returning to wattpad. I will remember the good times here and on Google +. I'll be on Instagram, Tumblr and Amino if you want to see what I'm up to.
          Instagram: @skyshii.tart
          Tumblr: skyshiitart
          Amino: @skyshiitart


@Skyshii_tart I wish I hadn't acted so quickly to remove and delete any trace of what I did on here near 2017. 2013 me could have been cringy or stupid, but 2017 never realized the importance of it all.


Vr, brx vhhp wr nqrz d elw derxw flskhuv? Zhoo, zhoo L'p vxusulvhg brx glgq'w mxvw phuhob jodqfh dw wklv ru frpsohwhob ljqruh lw. Li L zhuh brx, L zrxog vwxgb d elw pruh rq flskhuv, L pdb wkurz vrph gliihuhqw frghv khuh dqg wkhuh. Li brx'uh lqwhuhvwhg, wkhq suhsduh brxuvhoi.