
Hey so I’m a Christian and I have a question for all the people who know about LGBTQ+ stuff because I’m confused about something
          	So, a nonbinary person is someone who doesn’t identify with either gender right?
          	So…what are they?
          	Because a gay person is a guy who likes guys and lesbian is a girl who likes girls, and a straight person is someone who likes the opposing gender
          	But nonbinary don’t identify with either gender, which means they aren’t any of those, so what’s the term for them? They can’t be gay, because they’re not a guy, they can’t be a lesbian, because they’re not a girl, and they can’t be straight because they’re not either gender and therefore don’t HAVE an opposing gender.
          	So what do you call a nonbinary person who is only attracted to a specific gender?
          	Asking as a clueless and VERY curious Christian


Hey so I’m a Christian and I have a question for all the people who know about LGBTQ+ stuff because I’m confused about something
          So, a nonbinary person is someone who doesn’t identify with either gender right?
          So…what are they?
          Because a gay person is a guy who likes guys and lesbian is a girl who likes girls, and a straight person is someone who likes the opposing gender
          But nonbinary don’t identify with either gender, which means they aren’t any of those, so what’s the term for them? They can’t be gay, because they’re not a guy, they can’t be a lesbian, because they’re not a girl, and they can’t be straight because they’re not either gender and therefore don’t HAVE an opposing gender.
          So what do you call a nonbinary person who is only attracted to a specific gender?
          Asking as a clueless and VERY curious Christian


Just found a kitten I managed to convince my parents into letting me keep when they planned on sending it to the shelter. Her name is Lucy, and I would die for her


Aww thanks! I have a hard time speaking my mind irl, and I’ll usually just follow where the wind blows in a social situation. Changing my responses to fit the person, y’know? But here, I don’t have to do that. I can say whatever I want (as long as it’s not mean), and I can tell people my honest thoughts on things. It’s freeing, y’know?