May the Force be with you and have a dam good day.

Hi this is Lexi. @StormyStars is my other account, @averyhouk0402/@warrior0405 is my cousin.

Star Wars has officially taken over my life.

Heroes of Olympus fangirl.

Loves the Indiana Jones movies.

In the middle of reading the Mortal Instruments, on City of Glass.

I'm a ...

· Star Wars: Tales from a Galaxy Far Away- Short Stories from the Star Wars Universe. Some include characters that I made up. Cover art by Shorelle.

·Star Wars Facebook- Title says it all

·Rants and Opinions- Where I talked about fandoms.

·Really Stupid History- Proving common sense died a long time ago.

·Olympus Book- Goes with my Immortals of Olympus Stories written on my @StormyStars.

Recommendation: Read @lucky_ducky_123 Star Wars stories. They are some of the best I have ever read

tumblrs :



Immortals of Olympus is currently on hiatus. I need to rewrite them.
  • Mentally a galaxy far, far away or Camp Half-Blood
  • InscritAugust 26, 2015

Dernier message
SkywalkingHeroes SkywalkingHeroes Jan 06, 2017 10:21PM
I apologise to my readers, the chapters I have recently posted to Star Wars Facebook have not published correctly. Hopefully I will be able fix these soon.
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