
Hello, friends! I know I haven’t been active on this app for a while, but I wanted to pop in and say that I was still here. I hope to come back to writing her, but life keeps finding ways to keep me busy. Maybe that will change sometime soon. Stay safe, happy and healthy! 


Hello, friends! I know I haven’t been active on this app for a while, but I wanted to pop in and say that I was still here. I hope to come back to writing her, but life keeps finding ways to keep me busy. Maybe that will change sometime soon. Stay safe, happy and healthy! 


Merry Belated Christmas, Happy Belated Holidays and Happy New Year, everyone! This years has been something. Here’s to a great 2024 for you and yours. I plan on coming back to writing here at some point soon, but we’ll have to see what life has in store. Stay safe, happy and healthy, all!!!


Hey, friends! So, I know I’ve been gone for a bit. I want to start by apologizing for that. I sincerely wanted to get back on here and write another story, but life said “nah, fam.” I have been planning out stuff that I want to write out, but I don’t have an idea when I’m going to be able to ACTUALLY write the stories out. In the meantime, I thank all of you for sticking with me, I welcome everyone new who happened to stumble upon this profile and I can’t wait to get back to writing here. Stay safe, happy and healthy folks!


Hey, friends! So… I have a bit of an announcement to make. So, as you all know, my main source of literature for this account thus far has been Red vs Blue. But, that’s going to be changing, and what I mean by that is I’m going to be discontinuing the storyline of Agent Delaware. I know this seems abrupt, and I apologize, but I really haven’t had a lot of motivation to write out any more RvB stories. I have a lot of other stories I want to write out and publish to you all, and if I kept to the storyline I would have if I continued writing RvB books, I wouldn’t get to the others until WAY later. I know in my heart that I’m going to do my best work if I have motivation, and the last thing I want to do is publish something I felt I HAD to write out, because then I know I wouldn’t be putting my best foot forward. So, there’s going to be a change up. Thank you for understanding, and once again, I apologize for the abruptness of this. Stay healthy and happy, all you beautiful people!!!


Happy New Year, everyone. 2020 has been very wearisome for everyone, and there were a lot of trials and tribulations to overcome. But, I can say with the utmost confidence that I well and truly believe that 2021 will be so much better for everyone. Stay safe and healthy, all you beautiful people! Love you all!!!  


Happy New Years!!!


Happy new year!!