
URL Change: @.Skyzer- to @.SkyzerKarma


Ive been wanting to write fanfiction forever, but havent been able to get myself to actually write anything because everything that i wasnt ashamed of writing about, just wasn't interesting enough or fun enough for me to be passionate about it, except for pokemon. Ive had multiple ideas for pokemon fics and have been actually excited about them, but been too embarrassed to actually write it because theres just not as many pokemon stories be made to this day and because ive been worried that 16 is too old to still like pokemon, but seeing your story actually inspired me to go through with it! Seeing your story helped bring me out of my shell enough to actually think of writing stories in a positive light and In gonna start working on my story as soon as possible! Thank you so much for being such a great writer! 


@FriendlyOlClown I’m really glad my story helped inspire you! If you do publish a Pokémon fic, I will gladly read it!


Hope you’re doing well 


            I am and thank you


@-siirinity I am, I hope you are as well!