Just wanted to say Thank you very much for reading my newest story! <3
It has 101 Views right now, In less than a month :O
So i'm really thankful for it!
While writing Silent Cry, i got a little bit the urge to write a Bang Chan story, so i just started a Bang Chan story to write, I won't post it, cause yeah just started and even though i have the urge to write the Bang Chan story, i still want to continue write in the Silent cry. So i keep on posting Silent cry in the time being.
Btw, Do you guys like ''The Sound'' the new song of Stray Kids?
I like it very much, it is definitly different from the other songs, so the first time was a something to get used to, but it is really good, Just like all the other songs! I hope they keep on making their awesome music! :D
I don't know if anyone read this all, but if you did, thank you haha. Just wanted to Thank you!
Stay healthy and Safe! <3