@Sl3epyZz that's so crazy, personally I'd confront her and be open about it and if she really was a true honest friend, im sure she would come clean and tell you the truth and be genuine, whether that be she used to have a crush on him but then started to like you instead, or that she purposefully sabotaged your guys relationship for whatever reason but the hope is she values YOUR guys friendship more then a boy, and make things right but even if she does i wouldn't blame you for wanting to end the friendship right there cause that is still a betrayal, and if she doesn't talk to you or avoids the subject after confronting her then that speaks volumes in of itself...and I don't know the situation that well but just from this its screaming so many red flags. And the fact she isn't backing off after KNOWING your straight and is still coming on to you just shows that she doesn't respect you or your boundaries. I hope you can find better friends and get yourself a man who can be open with you about his feelings instead of being distant and neglectful of you, cause you don't deserve that. :(