/ ; some supernatural creature : people hurt me / hate me / make me feel like crap
marcia : i'm ur mom now welcome to my huge illegally bought house i hope you like me loving you now
@vegabrainian \
dunno what that means , but i'm gonna do it anyways ! * she grins , enjoying teasing him * i'll get you a hairbrush , i got plenty of unused ones .
@vegabrainian \
i gotta , though . ain't that what parents do ? * she laughs , pulling her hand back * alright , alright . if it's your pride and joy , you should at least use a hairbrush .
@vegabrainian \
you won't have to , if you stick by me , kiddo . * she smiles , gently ruffling his hair * should i give him the ' don't break your heart or i'll make him regret it ' talk ?