
Finished My Period, But See Discharge – Now What?
          	Sisters, I know how confusing this can be, especially during Ramadan. Many of us worry about brownish discharge after our period—does it affect prayer and fasting? This chapter explains everything clearly based on authentic Islamic teachings. Read on to gain knowledge and worship with confidence!"
          	And share with other sister as well!


Finished My Period, But See Discharge – Now What?
          Sisters, I know how confusing this can be, especially during Ramadan. Many of us worry about brownish discharge after our period—does it affect prayer and fasting? This chapter explains everything clearly based on authentic Islamic teachings. Read on to gain knowledge and worship with confidence!"
          And share with other sister as well!


Don't know what to ask, How to ask to  Allah Azzwajal don't worry 
          If you're unsure what to ask for during these last ten nights, check out the chapter "Duas You Can Make in Ramadan" in my book All About Ramadan for a list of supplications. Don't forget to remember the Ummah, especially our brothers and sisters in Gaza, Sudan, Yemen, and beyond.
          May Allah grant victory to the oppressed. Ameen.


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman I would reiterate کتب علیکم القتال وھو کرہ لکم and all you said proved it


Dear Sisters, Boost Your Emaan During Your Period
          This message is specifically for my sisters in Islam. If you are unable to fast or pray during Ramadan, know that you are not missing out. Allah sees your heart. He knows your longing, and He is rewarding you in ways beyond your imagination.
          So let go of guilt. Let go of comparison. Do your best with what you have, and trust that Allah, Ar-Rahman, will accept it.
          May Allah accept our efforts, forgive our shortcomings, and grant us all the immense blessings of Laylatul Qadr. Ameen.
          Click on the link below to read about what you can do on this miraculous night.
          Sisters, don’t keep this to yourself! Share it with other sisters who may need this reminder. Some of your family, friends, or sisters may not be on Wattpad—don’t worry! Take a screenshot and send it to them. In Sha Allah, you will receive the same reward. Remember, it’s Sadaqah Jariyah!
          May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala accept our ibadah, fasts, and good deeds, and replace our bad deeds with good ones. Ameen.
          Remember this dua:
          اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني
          Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni.


            "SubhanAllah, the timing is amazing! It's like we were in sync in a way. May Allah accept our ibadah!"


SubhanAllah you posted this the exact day I got it lol 


"The lower level of forgiveness is Al-Maghfirah. Allah forgives your sins, but the earth still knows you did it. The angels still know you did it. On the Day of Judgment, it is still in your book. But also, in your book, Allah has forgiven it. So you aren’t going to see any punishment.
          But Al-‘Afuw is the greatest extent. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala erases the sin. The angels forget that you did it. It’s no longer in your book of deeds. Nobody knows except Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala that you did it. You will never be faced with its consequences ever again.
          That’s why when Aisha (RadiAllahu Anha) asked the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), “If Laylatul Qadr—the Night of Decree—is to come, what should I ask Allah?” he did not say, Rabbighfir li (O Allah, forgive me, conceal me, cover my sin). He said:
          اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني
          Allahumma innaka ‘Afuwwun, tuhibbul ‘afwa, fa’fu ‘anni
          (O Allah, You are Al-‘Afuw, You love to erase sins, so erase my sins.)
          Format my hard drive—remove all traces of sins so nobody knows, no effects are left, and I’m like a newborn baby yet again. This is ‘Afuw."
          And finally, don’t forget me in your prayers:
          O Allah, grant her request, fulfill her wishes, bless her in her quest, and give her until she is satisfied. Close her eyes only after she has achieved what she longs for. 
          Ameen, and the same to you. 
          The Last Ten Nights ✨
          The mansions in Jannah are built based on dhikr. If you stop dhikr, the angels stop building.
          Check out my new chapter, Seeking Laylatul Qadr. This chapter is a full guide—open the link now and start reading!


Jumu’ah Checklist (✅)
           Perform Ghusl: take a full-body ritual purification bath
           Wear Clean Clothes: dress neatly and modestly
           Apply Perfume (Non-alcoholic): women ensure non-mahram can’t smell it 
           Recite Surah Al-Kahf: offers protection from Dajjal
          ️ Arrive Early at the Mosque: gain more rewards
           Perform Tahiyyat al-Masjid Prayer: two rak’āt upon entering the mosque
          ️ Listen Attentively to the Khutbah: mandatory part of Jumu’ah
          ✅ Perform the Jumu’ah Prayer: two rak’āt with the congregation
           Make Du’a: especially after the prayer and in the last hour before Maghrib
           Salawat: send abundant blessings on the Prophet ﷺ
          اللهم صلِّ على محمد وعلى آل محمد 
          كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم 
          إنك حميد مجيد
          وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد


The Last 10 Nights Are Here!
          The most blessed nights of Ramadan have arrived—don’t waste them!
          1️⃣ Renew your intention – Strive to catch Laylatul Qadr, a night better than a thousand months. (Quran 97:3)
          2️⃣ Eliminate distractions – The market will still be there, but you are not promised another Ramadan! Focus on ibadah.
          3️⃣ Forgive & Seek Forgiveness – “Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you?” (Quran 24:22)
          4️⃣ Make powerful dua – Pray for yourself, the Ummah, and especially for Gaza, Sudan, and Yemen.
          ✨ Click the link below to find the exact date of Laylatul Qadr in your country!

          Plz remember this sister of yours in your precious duas. You’re all in my prayers too! Let’s start Laylatul Qadr with a bang! ✨


As-salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu Sister. I have a request to ask you. Can you email me the chapter "Ramadan and Mensuration" and "Mensuration in Ramadan" . 
          So that I can share it with those who don't use Wattpad. 
          Let me know about it.
          BarakAllah ! 


            Wa Alaikumussalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, dear sister.
            JazakAllah Khair for reaching out! I truly appreciate your eagerness to share beneficial knowledge with others. At the moment, my work is primarily on Wattpad, but I understand that not everyone uses the platform.
            I have a really hectic schedule these days, so I may not be able to send it directly. But you can take screenshots of my chapter from my book and share them with others, InshaAllah. If you still need any help, let me know, and I’ll try my best.
            May Allah bless you for your efforts in spreading knowledge and grant you immense reward. Keep me in your duas!
            BarakAllahu feeki!


You got your period 5 minutes before iftar.
          Feeling devastated, right?
          You fasted the entire day, but just 5 minutes before iftar, your period started.
          Imagine it's a hot day...
          You made it through the hardest part of the day, yet now, right before breaking your fast, you got your period.
          What should she do now?
          Did her fast go to waste? Absolutely not! She can break her fast with peace of mind.
          But what about the 16 hours of fasting?
          Not a single reward is lost.
          She will be rewarded for every hour she fasted. In fact, we women are so special in the eyes of Allah Azzawajal that we earn three times the reward—even more than men (SubhanAllah! So smile now, it's Sunnah).
          How? Let me explain:
          We women receive the full reward for the hours we fasted.
          When we break our fast due to menses, we follow the Sunnah. Alhamdulillah! We accept Allah's decree and submit to it, earning rewards.
          We make up the missed fast later, In Sha Allah, and receive full rewards again. SubhanAllah!
          Meanwhile, men only get a one-time reward—just for completing their fasts.
          I just published a new chapter: "Complete Guide for Menstruation in Ramadan – Last 10 Nights, Ibadah, and Self-Care."
          But before reading this chapter, I encourage you to first read Part 1: "Ramadan and Menstruation." It provides essential background and context for this guide.
          Click the link below to read the new chapter, and don’t forget to share it with other sisters. You never know—your small effort might help someone overcome their grief and find peace in their ibadah.


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman Subhanallah. The mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa tala is immeasurable. 


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman I have a feeling this will happen to me soon unfortunately but Alhamdulillah this was a good reminder to not be too upset 


          In Sha Allah we will witness the downfall of Israel in our lifetime.. Allahhumma Ameen
          Don’t forget to pray for Gaza this Ramaḍān.  The ceasefire has ended, and the suffering continues. May Allah ‘Azzawajal bring relief and justice soon. Hasbunallahu wa ni‘mal wakeel.
          It’s heartbreaking to witness this again. They had just started to rebuild their lives, only to face destruction once more. 
          Please don’t stop praying. Our collective du‘ā’ holds power. The Prophet ﷺ taught us that when many people sincerely make the same du‘ā’, it is answered quickly. Let’s unite in supplication, asking Allah to grant peace, protection, and justice to our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
          Ya Allah, ease their pain, accept their martyrs, and grant them victory. Aameen. 
           #PrayForGaza #GazaUnderAttack #RamadanDua #PalestineWillBeFree #HasbunallahuWaNimalWakeel #MuslimUmmah #JusticeForPalestine #Dawah #RamadanReflections


@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman کتب علیکم القتال وھو کرہ لکم