Hey Saro, I am challenging you to a write-and-judge challenge!! You must come up with a story of your choice and present it to me or my profile by May 10th so your writing shall be judges by trained professionals and we will get back to you with a score 1-10 and if you succeed a score of 6-10, a special/secret boarding student whom is apart of our special judge Council to award you of a prize of suprise and you will have a confidential writers promotion by yours truley. If you cannot succeed, you will still have a confidential writers promotion for participating. Either way, you will accomplish much during your 6 days of writing. Please come back to me by the end of the day May 4 for your approval for denial of our challenge. I you woupd like to recommend any other people to participate, include it with your approval or denial of our new challenge.
Writers Council, Rebecca~Chan