Obligatory merry Christmas happy holidays, hope everyone is having a good time today and of you don't celebrate either holiday. Well I hope you have an awesome day regardless.
I hate trying to pick up drawing again because I see artist and my brain wants to be immediately at their level but I know I need to practice to actually get there. That and I can never draw actual humans and I don't know where the hell to start. My bad I had to send this somewhere and seeing as I'm dry asf on this app I just send shit I don't want people in my personal life to see in here. Rant over have a great day.
Ima say it since my homies won't. Women with Afros have a special place in my heart and they should havd a special place in yours too. This concludes tipsy thoughts with Sleep.
Anyone know some simple beginner home workouts. I'm losing my mind. My mental is breaking and I feel the best use of my time is trying to distract myself from the indescribable crushing weight if my own phychie. I'm being honest if you know simple workouts I can do please leave them here. Anyway good night I'm going to drink.
As a southern you grow up with bad storms and learn to sleep through them mfs no matter the circumstance. The only exception being, WHEN THEY KNOCK YOUR FUXKING POWER OUT AND TURN THE FANS OFF!!!, LIKE GOD DAMNIT IM TRYING TO SLEEP!!