
I have made a new account! So I'll try to post more on my new one but maybe on this as well, I'll recreate my 'Yan! KNY' book on my new account just with a better Storyline. My new account is @Ghost_Writer021
          	So see y'all!


Hey guys! So I signed out of my account by accident, so I'm trying to recover my Email. But I'm currently on Guest Mode, but fear not! I'll try to recover my email, but if I don't, I'll make another account and tell you on this account what my account name is. See ya! Love ya!


Do any of you know how to have Wattpad in Dark Mode? Because when I try to do it, the search will always say 'Press Settings, Tap customisation button, Press Dark' But I don't have the dang customisation thing! I have Wattpad on my computer. Help Me PLEASE! Love y'all <33


Sure! I just need to think of a good (Y/n) that they'll all like first, but sure!


@SleepingReader11 can do yandere creepypasta x reader?


Oh damn, also happy you're excited!


SO! Some of you may know that I had to write a speech for school. So when I presented my speech to my peers, I was fine. Right? Today, I found out that I WAS PICKED FOR THE FINALS! Do you think I can convince my teacher to not let me be in the finals? I just needed to rant about this.


@SleepingReader11 you can tell him your not comfortable enough to present the speech


Yo, so I need to write a Speech for school but I have no idea what to write about, we can write about anything. Any tips?


Anything as long as it's appropriate


Hey Starlights, I know this sounds stupid; But how can you turn on Dark Mode if it doesn't say Dark Mode on settings? I use a Laptop and I can't find the Dark Mode settings! I need help please!


Does anyone know how too? I need help 


So, this morning I found out that Queen Elizabeth had died today. I hope that she is resting in peace and watching over England from heaven.
          Even though I didn't know the Queen well, I know that England will miss her greatly, and so will I.
          Rest In Peace, Queen Elizabeth.