
Hey guys, so I've been off on a braincation for a while, so I'm going to hop back into the second avatar and publish it in a reasonable amount of time, not anytime soon cause I think I left it at chapter 3 or something, crazy to see it's ranked at #18 ZukoxOC I think, I've been on this app for so long and never thought that would happen, thank you guys for all the support on all the books I've published thus far. I'll keep working hard and continue to get better; I hope you all enjoy all the books I've put out; a good amount of them are collecting dust just cause I've been working and I did move, so I've been focused on other things, I've decided to keep the train going. Enjoy everyone. ^.^


Hey guys, so I've been off on a braincation for a while, so I'm going to hop back into the second avatar and publish it in a reasonable amount of time, not anytime soon cause I think I left it at chapter 3 or something, crazy to see it's ranked at #18 ZukoxOC I think, I've been on this app for so long and never thought that would happen, thank you guys for all the support on all the books I've published thus far. I'll keep working hard and continue to get better; I hope you all enjoy all the books I've put out; a good amount of them are collecting dust just cause I've been working and I did move, so I've been focused on other things, I've decided to keep the train going. Enjoy everyone. ^.^


As I've said in the past, I'm writing at my own pace and not published until the whole book is done. Let me tell you, only one book is getting done. Everything else is on the back burner; I have deleted a fair amount of books, too, because I didn't feel like developing them anymore. Having a one-track mind might help me get this second book out faster, but feel free to reach out to me if there's a book you want me to continue, but know that I'm not going to release anything chapter by chapter. ^.^


Avatar book 2?


@KaleiCarden I'm still on book one right now but then I'll be heading towards book two lol I forget that people read my books sorry I haven't been on here I'll be sure to try and finish book one soon.


Hey any authors that are following me I'll let you in on a little secret that I just found out cause I'm in college. Grammarly is the best app to get on your phone or laptop it helps me a good amount now. I know I've been reading again and I always see people saying that they wish they ere better at the grammar parts of they're stories and I've been meaning to say something but I've been working lol hope I helped a little bit.


@FlowerxWolf Yeah my professor like hands down fallow it down to the wording you don't have to buy it either the normal program is getting me by just fine.


I’ve seen many commercials of Grammarly  on YouTube, but it always seemed to good to be true  I’ll definitely check it out now! Thanks!


Ok so I've been in major construction on my book and I'm only just remembering that people liked my books so I'm going to start continuing my Avatar the last Airbender books and then work my way to one of my soul eater books then to Vampire night and then Sora in the country of clover. I was just reading the comments about what people wanted to see and I'm being honest I forgot about them. I work and go to online college so I'll see how my schedule goes I've just recently got out of wanting to read so now I'll be able to watch Avatar and get my scrip done for the book. Thank you for anyone who has been waiting for any of the books I just listed and lucky for me I am using a program called Grammarly to fix grammar errors so look forward to some of my books being undated thank you again and have a great day.