Would you guys be interested in a patreon? I'm planning to upload a lot and I have plenty of upcoming stories that I know everyone will enjoy. Please comment your thoughts and suggestions.
Hey, I was sorta wondering if the Rabbit Katsuki Bakugou x reader story is still continuing. I was actually loving the story and I was kinda waiting for more updates.
Would you guys be interested in a patreon? I'm planning to upload a lot and I have plenty of upcoming stories that I know everyone will enjoy. Please comment your thoughts and suggestions.
I know I haven't updated recently. I wanted to just say if anyone reads this from Ukraine. I'm praying for you all. You all shouldn't have to live in fear because of someone else's actions. I couldn't imagine what your going through and I hope you guys make it through.
Hey guys! I'm going to do a q and a so ask me some questions and I'll answer them all the best I can. Please don't ask me to do a face reveal or ask me inappropriate questions. I'll answer all of your questions by the end of this week or next week Thank you byeee.
I posted a new chapter of Kyo x Reader if you guys want to check it out. Don't worry I'm working on the other ones' too just in case you or someone else was like "WhaT ABoUt THE StoRy I WAnT tO ReAd??!!"