this message may be offensive
Hi I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to write fanfics. I was originally on a different account, but I mainly use this one now.
I truly enjoy reading stories in your writing style and would totally buy a book of yours if you ever decide on publishing one on paper. I enjoyed watching you evolve as an author.
I just remember looking for your fanfics everywhere, your account, literally anything, but I couldn't. So I was like so upset that your account got deleted, I thought you deleted it yourself and I missed an announcement.
And basically, I'm embarrassed to say it, but you wrote/write one of the best Ft Freddy fanfics. The way you captured his personality was just perfect and I wouldn't have made it any other way. And I was upset about your sudden disappearance, so I started writing my own story.
I apologize that it came out of the blue, I say dumb shit at night, though I've been wanting to tell you this for so long, just never knew how.
So yeah, stay safe!