Hello, I have a question! Why is Callie married to Ulfric?? What makes Ulfric so appealing to you??
@_Mother-Fucknut_ Yeah. I felt that if they were together they could grow as characters. Plus, as I mentioned, I had a huge crush on Ulfric too. So both of those were factors in my decision to make her marry him.
@_Mother-Fucknut_ That did answer my question and I understand now. So it really is all for character development?
@_Mother-Fucknut_ Honestly, I had a huge crush on him at the time and I thought they would be a good match for some reason. If I were just beginning to write the story now, I would have chosen for her to be asexual and not interested in having a husband or kids. I think two years ago when I first started writing it, I had been reading a lot of Ulfric fanfiction and that's where it kind of came from as well. Also, I thought that having Callie married to Ulfric would give Ulfric someone who could make him grow as a person, and develop into a character who was less racist, and good for Skyrim as a leader. I felt like he was a little bit selfish and just wanted the throne for himself, rather than thinking of Skyrim and what the people needed, and that's where Callie came in. I hope this answered your question feel free to ask me anything if you have any more questions.