
          	Hey guys! I know most of you think I'm dead ( I'm not, I promise), or have forgotten about me completely. I don't blame you; I've been MIA for a while now. 
          	A lot has been happening; I've started Cosmetology school, I've had a recent death in the family, I'm having boy problems, etc. What can I say? I'm still a stupid teenager that doesn't know how to balance out life. 
          	BUT, I am going to be re-writing all my stories, mainly starting with TKOW. I've already started re-plotting it out and making some drastic changes because, let's be honest, it's complete shite. I also have a couple of other stories in the works right now and I'm thinking of starting a complete book based off of ICOBSFSLUITS. (If you have no idea what that is, it's ok. It's the really long title in my works section, lol)
          	Things are going to be slow because, like I said; I'm still a stupid teenager that doesn't know how to balance life. 
          	Please bear with me. I'm trying to fix all the shite books I have so you guys can actually not kill your brain cells.
          	Much love,


          Hey guys! I know most of you think I'm dead ( I'm not, I promise), or have forgotten about me completely. I don't blame you; I've been MIA for a while now. 
          A lot has been happening; I've started Cosmetology school, I've had a recent death in the family, I'm having boy problems, etc. What can I say? I'm still a stupid teenager that doesn't know how to balance out life. 
          BUT, I am going to be re-writing all my stories, mainly starting with TKOW. I've already started re-plotting it out and making some drastic changes because, let's be honest, it's complete shite. I also have a couple of other stories in the works right now and I'm thinking of starting a complete book based off of ICOBSFSLUITS. (If you have no idea what that is, it's ok. It's the really long title in my works section, lol)
          Things are going to be slow because, like I said; I'm still a stupid teenager that doesn't know how to balance life. 
          Please bear with me. I'm trying to fix all the shite books I have so you guys can actually not kill your brain cells.
          Much love,


∈( ゜)◎( ゜)∋
          Hello guys!
          So I figured I'd post this to say hello to my new followers!!
          Thank you guys so much for following me and voting for IT CAN ONLY BE SOUR FOR SO LONG UNTIL IT TURNS SWEET.
          (Damn that's a mouthful.)
          I believe I came in at 4th, which I'm pretty happy about!
          I was up against some really great competition and @TheSilentWriter23 deff deserved to win!
          But anyways, thank you guys for actually following me!
          I'm working on a few chapters for my stories so they should be out in the next couple of days!
          Don't be afraid to talk to me. I love conversing with you guys!
          Much love~


@SleepySheet101 love your entry!!!! pls continue it!! :)))