
Hello all,
          	As you know, I haven't been updating my fanfics anymore. This is due to one of my fics Asphyxiation being deleted for being against community guidelines. I have no way of recovering this and to protect my other fics, I had to unpulish them. I will be moving them all to Ao3. If you are still interested, please follow that account under the same name there.
          	Thank you all for supporting me up until this point. I will do my best to rewrite Asphyxiation as it was, but I have no other copies of that fic, so the original is lost permanently. 


I haven’t been able to find your account on AO3 :(


Hello all,
          As you know, I haven't been updating my fanfics anymore. This is due to one of my fics Asphyxiation being deleted for being against community guidelines. I have no way of recovering this and to protect my other fics, I had to unpulish them. I will be moving them all to Ao3. If you are still interested, please follow that account under the same name there.
          Thank you all for supporting me up until this point. I will do my best to rewrite Asphyxiation as it was, but I have no other copies of that fic, so the original is lost permanently. 


I haven’t been able to find your account on AO3 :(


Since its been over 3 years since "The Mark" was last updated I'm going to assume it is never to be finished but I don't plan to stop re-reading it. I relinquish all hope of ever seeing the ending. However I will commemorate the author for their superb writing skills. I was hoping to see a promising ending after the strong writing I initially saw but if you simply gave up on the book I understand. I am a journalism student and sometimes writing just ain't all that.



Oh and pls check out my newest fic Muzzle! It's a Legoshi x Louis fanfic and it'll have a new update this week. ;-) 


Lol im back this year again XD


@Sleepy_Ash03 see you later when you come back next year


@Sleepy_Ash03 wait you still alive and good


Dw guys! Updates for my fics coming soon. I was going to update ALBQ and The Mark in June, but I dislocated my elbow before editing. (; - ;) I'm working on it now and both will be update sometime next week. I'm hoping my new update schedule will be once a week! Thanks for all your support and kind comments! Good to be back finally! <3


Okay, I have Midterm break next week - HALLELUJAH!!! I offer 2 updates for whichever fanfiction you guys prefer. Lemme know which you want me to update (I can do 1 update for 2 fics as well, if you like lol) So, uh yeah, dw just two-ish months and I'll be uploading fast again.


@JasThePotatoQueen Yeah same. Its can only use these type of emojis : :-( :-) :-! :-$ B-) :-[ O:-) 


Idk why but today wattpad doesn't show the emojis I add to my comments:/ 


Hey guys,
          I realise I'm such an unreliable author and my updates are all over the place. With live lessons, assignments, college applications and my job I'm just swapped. It doesn't help that I'm sick basically everyday lately and on so much meds. :'( 
          Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that my updates will be super irregular until June again like last year. I have to focus on my Leaving Cert, especially with how much school I've missed because of Covid.
          I will update as often as possible and I'm planning to publish a few fics on Ao3 if any one is interested. They'll mostly be movie and tv show ships.
          Thanks for all your support and patience! I hope you will keep reading and I promise I will finish all of my fics (one day... :-D )!!!
          ~ Sleepy_Ash


@ Sleepy_Ash03  dw I'm literally willing to wait to the end of time if it meant having another chapter of asphyxiation :") ♡♡


@Sleepy_Ash03 *looks at self* Well I just straight up removed mine..


@Ninvisible ugh wtf, that's so annoying. I dont need to be reminded about how my ships are not canon. ; - ;


I accidentally published an unedited chapter of XXVillainousXX for a second. Almost screamed. :-D 


I was just searching for it lol, I thought my Wattpad broke and was freaking out. Excited for the real chapter! ;)


Question: Would you guys like a new chapter of The Mark or a new chapter of Asphyxiation next guys? Let me know, cuz I'm in a very inspired mood and I don't want to waste it lol. XD


@ Sleepy_Ash03  I like em both but if I gotta choose then Asphyxiation! 


@Sleepy_Ash03  Asphyxiation!!!!! It's so good