
this message may be offensive
Haha, ending a three year toxic relationship never felt so fucking draining.


          Like in the ocean filled with lies.
          Or in quicksand, choking on memories.
          Tied with strings like a puppet,
          Being forced to dance like a slave.
          Chained in a cage like a animal,
          Seen as nothing to this day.
          Failure, escape, empty.
          Failure to be what I’m expected to be.
          Escape the reality and hide in my dreams.
          Empty and numb to everything.
          I feel stuck.
          The future is only getting closer,
          Life is changing from what I knew.
          I am not her.
          She is not me.
          She will never be me anymore.
          She is GONE.
          Her existence was Fatal from the start.
          All that’s left is the Shards,
          No Th30ries or answers.
          All left in the past.
          In a limbo or purgatory.
          I’ll never understand what I’ve become.


We used to be close
          But people can go
          From people you know
          To people you don’t
          And what hurts the most
          Is that people can go
          From people you know
          To people you don’t..
          “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we were just having fun”


I guess the paranormal can’t really leave me alone, can it?


            I’ll bring the drinks then


            Lol what kind of snacks


Listening to songs, especially the songs we used to love together, and just thinking about the good times I spent with her. It made me realize how I broke things off before I even had a chance to even think about it. I knew I wouldn’t be happy with her and I knew she wouldn’t be happy staying with me. Unable to communicate most times, personal issues, and then becoming codependent on her. We were both young and immature, and now I realized we would’ve never lasted long. It was bound to happen. Even then, I still cherish those memories. She’ll always be my first love, and my first heartbreak. I hope she’s well.


Through the meadow
          Through the trees
          Through the branches
          Through the leaves
          Singing a chorus
          For the creatures before us
          Speaking out poetry
          If only they knew me
          Through the forest
          Full of life
          Past the river
          Watch them cry
          Through the meadow
          Have them say goodbye
          For all we know
          They could be running out of time