
Ok. It has come to my attention that one of my friends is being called an art thief. I just want to speak out on this. 1. They aren't an art thief at all bc they never claimed any arts as theirs. 2. Most of the things they post are actually made for them. I don't get why people always have to bitch and complain about the most dumbest things. Like it is honestly disappointing to see this happen, and it's not just this person (not giving username, they know who I'm defending). Anyways, just for everyone to see, please be safe and don't let anyone online try and falsify you for anything you do. 


Ok. It has come to my attention that one of my friends is being called an art thief. I just want to speak out on this. 1. They aren't an art thief at all bc they never claimed any arts as theirs. 2. Most of the things they post are actually made for them. I don't get why people always have to bitch and complain about the most dumbest things. Like it is honestly disappointing to see this happen, and it's not just this person (not giving username, they know who I'm defending). Anyways, just for everyone to see, please be safe and don't let anyone online try and falsify you for anything you do. 


I have no words for anything that has gone on. We lost a great man on the 1st of March. I still can't believe this is true, and I want it all to be fake. But at some point, everyone myself included has to come to reality. Toriyama.. if I could have met you and spoke with you and even if i could speak with you now.. all I can say is.. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't be into anime if it wasn't for you.
          Dragon Ball has always been my favorite anime. And I thank Toriyama for that. His ideas and passion for it were always so fulfilling. I wanted to do content creating and content of his works. Because his work of Dragon Ball wasn't just a story. It's history. It's art. So.. with all that being said.. Toriyama.. Thank you for all the laughs, all the times I've cried while watching heartwarming scenes in Dragon Ball. Thank you for making us all believe.. that with passion and hard work, we can be a Super Saiyan.. Thank you, Toriyama. And goodbye.. my friend