
Also with that, you may see my writing style change mid chapter…well if so, “NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD” 
          	-Piccolo Majunior Dbza


Chapter 4 is out, it is by far my biggest chapter in writing yet aha. Hopefully the people reading are smart enough to get my nods throughout the book! Sorry for the wait though, I’ve been doing a lot more planning on these chapters now that I’m a bit more advanced on this stuff. However I hope it entertains you more than previous number 3.


@Slimerael Nah, no need to apologize, dude, that's understandable(I should probably actually read it, will get to it eventually!)
            Good luck on life and the writing!


@Slimerael ok, sounds good! thanks for the info :)


@CollettexEdgarShip Yo! Probably in a month or two, Since I’m really planning out the story on where it’s gonna go, however don’t let the wait bore you!


Forgive me followers for I have sinned (my monthly update) and it is not for the incredibly late book updates…


@Slimerael Nah, it’s fine that happens, take your time! Good luck!


This be a joke, but anyways sorry for lack of post promised, I’m still trying to figure out the perfect way to conclude my stories so stay tuned and sorry!!


this message may be offensive
Hey you peeps! Guess what? 
          Did you actually guess? No. But that’s alright! I’m still in the middle of working on forever wanted…But trust me, it’s gonna be hella fire. (Pun intended if you’re reading this in the future) If you’ve noticed my writing changed in this chapter, then good! I’m planning something that requires that.. and you can even see in this message. If you don’t like it; suck an egg, If you do like it then you can suck a Cadbury egg!
          Jokes aside this should be about before the end of may. As there is 2 things I’m working on, a new story, that will be loosely inspired by gravity falls. As a test for the algorithm, so do me a favor, Share it with your friends, get people to read it, and comment what you want to happen next chapter. As your choices as viewers can determine it.
          This book should be out sometime this month, if not next month. Thanks for reading my updates my loyal followers, or newcomers, and have a good week!


on the topic of remaking old chapters the next 2 I want to do are chapter 9- apologize (the chapter I hate the most as I was literally half away when I wrote it) and chapter 10- finale 1, as it had the most grammar mistakes out of all, I’ve been holding this off for nearly 2 years
          Now that I’m retiring tho I feel as if these are the only 2 incomplete things left 


@Slimerael Nice! Good luck with the rest soldier


Also forever wanted chapter 6 is completely finished, just fixing the grammar


Moving on… 
          So ok! Brawlstars fanfiction, was great I loved it and all the friends I made too! But it was 3 in a half years ago, And is now more of a nostalgia thing that keeps me going, But there’s more fandoms I can reach out too, My time in the spotlight for this one may be over but there’s always another chapter to be written.
          So, I’d like to announce, My goodbye to the community, I’ll still chat about it and be here or there and make little things in my books, not to mention Forever wanted isn’t even finished yet (which I will finish later this month I promise) And I’d like to thank my friends I Made along the way
          most notably my best friends Zimmly and Nutella, (maybe even Sammy) there is ONE person I do miss and haven’t talked to in about a year, Lucky, who was my best friend I forgot about, Before this is over I’d like to apologize for those actions, to any of you reading this, my final project will be remaking more chapters for A stalker of dreams, as always


@Slimerael Okay, that's understandable in all honesty, and it happens. Good luck with your life and writing where ever it takes you, buddy!
            But for the fandoms, what are other fanbases you're in? I know you want suggestions, but it's always easier to write about something you know and enjoy.
            Bye bye


Also any recommendations for different fandoms to write in? Don’t have a lot of time to do searching for trends my self lol


Forever wanted chapter 5 is out, very action packed, and has lots of le comedyyyy,


@Slimerael because I like it


@itisiMind For what PURPOSE


@Slimerael Nice! I'm going to go check it out!