
i hope you guys can forgive me but i've come to realize i have no time for writing, trust me, it's fun to do to get my mind off of things but, i do have responsibilities in my real life. hopefully i can come back but, for now there will be no updates on any of my stories for a while.
          	so yeah. i'm not gonna say goodbye because i really want to come back later on, so i guess i'll say see you later. <3 


@SlimsSock it's ok sis. I understand u have some things to take care of. We all have lives right lol. But fr I hope to hear from u again sis


i hope you guys can forgive me but i've come to realize i have no time for writing, trust me, it's fun to do to get my mind off of things but, i do have responsibilities in my real life. hopefully i can come back but, for now there will be no updates on any of my stories for a while.
          so yeah. i'm not gonna say goodbye because i really want to come back later on, so i guess i'll say see you later. <3 


@SlimsSock it's ok sis. I understand u have some things to take care of. We all have lives right lol. But fr I hope to hear from u again sis


I'm trying to write all the chapters to Pain & Fame before Maegan goes on tour so I can focus more on my other stories. AND LET ME TELL YOU. shits about to go down. 


@SlimsSock ur very much welcome sis. Thx for the update. I really like your story


@alleylicious12372 I didn't really think anyone liked the story so I haven't paid much mind to it lately, but since you requested it I updated it. I won't neglect it anymore haha, but thank you soo much!


@SlimsSock it's great to know that ur still writing. Just to make a request, will u continue writing Till Death Do Us Part. I enjoy that story. As a matter of fact, I really enjoy all of ur stories