
Sorry for such a delay for Chapter Nine of Personal Gain, guys. I never anticipated myself to be late on a publishing schedule, but rest assured I am making up lost time for it. 
          	I've been working on some templates for future books and some new content in the S-Lab Canon that I plan to share, so stay tuned for that if you're interested!


Sorry for such a delay for Chapter Nine of Personal Gain, guys. I never anticipated myself to be late on a publishing schedule, but rest assured I am making up lost time for it. 
          I've been working on some templates for future books and some new content in the S-Lab Canon that I plan to share, so stay tuned for that if you're interested!


this message may be offensive
FUCK IT! I'm re-releasing Slo's Second Job: Universal Collision.
           I'm now releasing Universal Collision CLASSIC, including all the notices and the old chapters pre-rewrite so all of you can laugh at my cringe bullshit from a year ago before i locked in harder than locked jaw syndrome on Personal Gain.
          Enjoy my cringe bullshit, if anything it's a surplus of content that I doubt anyone will read besides one or two people (I hope anyway..)
          Apologies for the notification bomb, but it's whatever because it's gonna be the rarest sight you'll see since a new robloxian bringing up The Last Guest series with perfect memory.


Just to let, well, whoever the hell actually reads these.. know. I will NOT be posting as frequently. My plan is my old uploading schedule, which was usually posting on weekends. Figured I throw this out because people probably think I gave up or burned myself out already.
          Nah, I didn't.


New book my ass.. Anyway, this time I'm not joking. New book, and I'll publish every chapter one at a time. I got the plot written out, so I think it'll be a good one. 
          P.S: Universal Collision Rewrite is going to be a result of this new writing.


Sorry, I discontinued Slo's Second Job due to the fact that some of the universes are complete garbage! I won't make another version of it, but I am planning on making another book that signs the deed to the death of an era and entering into a new one. We'll see how that goes, but oh well.