Profile pic and header pic: 葵ちょこ @aoi_021 on Twitter! I love her workkkk 💜💜💘
DISCLAIMER: I have no idea when I will publish a new book anytime soon or if I'll ever have the time to update it AGHHHH I really hope school doesn't stop me from this hobby ;-;
Eyyyzz! I'm Slo! I don't aspire to be a writer but I love writing anyway!
I have another account in called Slothy3 so no plagiarism has occured if I repost my own stories!!
I mainly write RinxLen because ideas FLOOD for this topic that it's impossible for me to make another shipping the Centrepoint of my stories.
Goes to show how bad I am at being versatile ;-;
I aim to improve as I go on writing so please don't judge the bad quality work that will be posted here! But any help to improve would be niceeee!!
That's it then bye byezzz-!
- Along the borderline of heaven & hell
- RegistriertAugust 27, 2015
Werde Teil der größten Geschichtenerzähler-Community

Haiii~ sorry I haven't done anything in a long time studies are a bitch TwTSo now that I'm back here because I have time--I would like everyone to take a vote for a new story I should make-- of cou...Alle Unterhaltungen anzeigen