Hey guys! Hope you're all okay.
I'm sorry I haven't been active lately, life has gotten so busy that I haven't found time to write. With starting a new job in September and spending most my free time with my boyfriend, I often find myself too out of energy to write. But rest assured no matter how long it takes I will be bringing out the Taehyung & Jungkook ff, it will just be a while.
This month will be a busy one for me since I will be leaving my work place of 2yrs to start a new full time job elsewhere which will be emotional for me on my last day. But 2 days before I start my new job, my boyfriend is taking us glamping somewhere in England which will be fun. We've been together just over 5mths now and I consider myself very lucky to have him. Just the other day I said I wanted to go see the new BTS film but would have to go alone since I don't have any Army friends living close by and without hesitation he offered to go with me even though he doesn't like them, when I asked why he said "Because it will make you happy."
Anyways I'm blabbering. Keep safe guys and I'll keep trying to work hard to bring the book out soon xx