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My school fucking sucks. Hands down.
Phones got banned because some dumbass kids decided to post FAKE BONB THREATS (meaning they posted vids on TikTok saying they would bomb MY SCHOOL) AND during the devious licks trend, someone stole all the water sprinklers in the ceilings so if there was a fire, there were no sprinklers to put them out. ALSO- they charge us $50 to get our phones back❤️
If you don’t pay- they can keep it over the weekend. How L O V E L Y ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ plus almost all the ELA teachers left because kids kept giving them mental breakdowns. Last year my ELA teacher has 4 breakdowns IN FRONT OF MY CLASS because some Mexican kid in the back of the classroom was acting stupid so she told him to sit down and pay attention. Then he called her a racist monkey and a brick wall builder. Sooooo yeah my school is garbage. My ELA teacher was also on drugs at the time.. and just a couple days later, ANOTHER ELA teacher got ARRESTED! She was drinking while driving and doing drugs while teaching her class. Btw the ELA teacher that had the breakdown? She had a forced resignation.