
@NettersB thank you so much for reading them, you're truly amazing! I just have to get rid of all the grammatical errors and add or take a few things which annoyed me so much, I'm glad you stuck around to the end, it really,  really means a lot to me :')


Hi there! Just letting everyone that I'm following know that I am posting my first 5 chapters of my new story called, HIS BELOVED POTTER GIRL. It's a Harry Potter/Twight crossover next week. I hope you will read it and vote comment about it. Thanks 


Is your Harry Potter book going to be updated? I don’t mean to sound rude


You definitely don’t sound rude! I’m planning on reworking it and (excuse the pun ) revamping it to remove the current plot holes and further it along to a pace I feel it should be at. 
            I just have so many ideas I’m trying to get out it’s becoming a little jumbled and it’s getting a bit confusing. 
            I’ll be on track soon though ❤️ thanks for the patience


I freaking love your harry potter story!!!!!!! Please please update!! Its so great!!


Why thank you, my lovely!! I tried so hard in the beginning that I just ended up straining myself and letting my fingers do the running xD I don't think I did too bad, if I say so myself hahaha. 
            I'm planning on doing a Supernatural/Harry Potter crossover and having Harry/Dean as the main pairing, so I don't think I'll be focusing on this fic too much, but I'll try and get back to it as much as I can haha. Thank you once again, your thoughts mean heaps <3 <3


I'm totally in love with your HP story...and i hate to say this..but please oh please update soon..its so amazing and i cant really describe it with words..great work.. 


@Koala_Ray no worries..take your time..i dont mind waiting either..and your welcome 


@Koala_Ray Thank you so much for reading it! I'm trying to write as many chapters as I can for this story, but I'm a bit boxed in by writers block, and it's absolutely tearing me down! But not to worry, I shall be posting soon enough! Thanks for reading my story, once again, hope you enjoyed it!