
I think this is the longest I have gone without updating any stories, there are a few reasons for that. 
          	1. I haven't had the motivation to write for a while, but I'm slowly getting back at, with plenty of ideas flowing as I write this. 
          	2. I want to put out the best chapters, not just ones throwing together at the last minute, I enjoy writing these stories and really don't want them to become sloppy. 
          	3. I have been writing a new story for a new fandom too. Are any fans of Vampire Diaries or the Originals? 
          	War of Hearts | Kol Mikaelson - Coming soon


Omg i am in love with your work like it is honestly the best story’s I have ever read one of my favs is your Charlie Weasley one but I would just like to take a second to appreciate your work and how amazing it is I could never do anything like what you do 


@notLaurennn5 // thank you so much I'm so glad you enjoy them. 


I think this is the longest I have gone without updating any stories, there are a few reasons for that. 
          1. I haven't had the motivation to write for a while, but I'm slowly getting back at, with plenty of ideas flowing as I write this. 
          2. I want to put out the best chapters, not just ones throwing together at the last minute, I enjoy writing these stories and really don't want them to become sloppy. 
          3. I have been writing a new story for a new fandom too. Are any fans of Vampire Diaries or the Originals? 
          War of Hearts | Kol Mikaelson - Coming soon


Hi, I would just like to everyone that I have been lacking in updates recently. As most of my time has been taken up by my puppy Ginny. She'll be competing in her first dog in a week's time and I have been working with her to help prepare her the best I can. I have been writing little bits here and there, so there might still be updates come just not as many as usual. 