
@yum_ichigo14 I'm so proud of you, it doesn't sorprise me that you have such success because you're really good at this, I love every single story I've read for the past years, really congratulations :* 


@Slytherin_Girl thank you so so much, I've been on this site for so long and it's incredible that you've been here with me all this time. I put everything I have into my stories and I'm insanely grateful that you take the time to read them. Thank you, I love you so much for saying this :') xx


@yum_ichigo14 I'm so proud of you, it doesn't sorprise me that you have such success because you're really good at this, I love every single story I've read for the past years, really congratulations :* 


@Slytherin_Girl thank you so so much, I've been on this site for so long and it's incredible that you've been here with me all this time. I put everything I have into my stories and I'm insanely grateful that you take the time to read them. Thank you, I love you so much for saying this :') xx