
I am preparing for NEET (entrance exam for Medical), so I won't be able to continue with stories for some time. 


Are we going to get any more updates 


@Matters27 to be reading more of your stories 


@Matters27 take much time as u need and when u ready we as your fans will be happy read more of your stories 


@Matters27 I really really want to, it's my hobby after all. But I don't think I am good at it. I mean, I know I could write good fics, but then most of the time I have no idea how to go on with it.. And I also want to give it all to my studies for at least one year... 
            I might update a few of them though, but I know how frustrating it is. So it's probably best to forget about the fics and read others for now, at least. 


Hey I am wondering you are going to update “return of namikaze Naruto” I just read the whole thing and it is really interesting!


@KKknowsbest You sure about that it's really one of my most obnoxious fics.. I was young that time, ya'know 
            As for your question, I don't know. I mean, I haven't updated any of fics for long time now and I want to give this year seriously to my studies... So I guess that's no for now


Please update emerald eyed king


@Zollinhofer I want to, but I also want to give this year seriously to my studies... So it will take time. I would recommend you to forget about them for now. There are other fics for you to enjoy on Wattpad and ff so... Good luck!! 