iloverove2004's me and my friends all agree the your The Mirrow Man is amazing and we can't wait to read more. You are an amazing author. And thank you for wrighting such a wonderful story. Just one question, Is the game based on a real one? Not the story. But the actual game is it based in a real one?? Cause my friends wount look in eney mirrors since we read it.

@DanielleHarrison112 of course as long as you don't claim the idea as yours I'm fine with it. I'd love to read it too.

@DanielleHarrison112 Thank God I've heared of those two games and they are not pritty. I would also like to ask if I could do a spin of off Your Mirrow Man and ofcourse I will give you credits for the story. But most of it will be mine. I wanted to ask first since you own the story.