Yeah, I can see that, because I grew up talking Spanish at home and then at school it's English. It was a bit hard but I got the hang of it. My mother encourage me and my brothers to speak English, to speak English, because she didn't want us to struggle when we grew older, but that kinda was a mistake, because my brothers just began speaking English and just didn't want to speak Spanish anymore. For them it was easier. So for them English is their first language, and Spanish is...ehhh. As for me, I can understand Spanish no problem, sometimes I struggle when there's a word or sentence I never heard or seen in my life, but other than that perfectly fine. Now speaking it, now that's where that...yeah thats where "Speak more English" didn't help me whatsoever, because when I speak Spanish, it does not sound pretty. I can speak it but...no. when I was younger I spoke, I spoke it fine, but the older I got... yeah that didn't help me in the long run.