
Yalls funny ass comments are the only thing keeping me from deleting the Yandere BNHA scenarios 


R.I.P to technoblade. One of my family members have died to cancer. It's heartbreaking to hear it happened to someone I looked up to. A small part of me wishes that this is some sick joke. That he'll come back tomorrow and everything will be okay again. But no, he won't be back. He's a king that will live on forever. His legacy will continue even after death.


@SmartiesKewl  I agree I also just hope this is just a not at all funny joke and everything will be ok but it's just a thought and this is reality as someone who also had someone close though not family related die to cancer I can't imagine what his family is going through it just feels devastating this whole situation.
            R.I.P Techno, your legacy will live on forever.


I just spent 10-15 minutes of my time to calculate all of the word counts in all of my 3 books to get.. 36,490 words Ive written in my what? Probably 1-3 years on this platform with many failed books.. I couldve finished the bible if I wanted bro.