“Your melody is quite beautiful. You must be very talented,” Gaara’s voice came from the doorway, the redhead peering inside from the half-opened door. He had been watching Izuna, whilst the older man would move his fingers skillfully over the piano. Izuna were just another business man, one that would try to talk Gaara’s father into selling the business over to the Uchiha’s, but even Gaara knew his father would never agree to such an offer, it has tried to been done before. Gaara were just a teenager, soon to enter into adulthood. Rasa would always tell Gaara these meetings were none of his business, to stay out of it, but somehow, someway.. Izuna had something that seemed to capture Gaara’s attention, and since Izuna were waiting on Rasa.. why shouldn’t Gaara be there to give Izuna attention while he waited?