
Izuna had heard al light knock on the door. He had everything ready looking around for the 1000th time making sure it was child safe. Knives, swords, etc that he uses while on missions safely stored away place neatly picked up and vacuumed off the floor. Some of  little Gaara’s favorite toys already set out for him , including his favorite wagon and his age automobiles he like to ride around in. (Aww to cute) izuna was just getting done making dinner when the knock was heard. His voice “coming!” Was heard by @gaaraz-dxck!” Through the door. Not a moment later he opens it . To see @baby_gaara  held by Gaara at the front door. 


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Izuna comes in with towels. “How is it going in here? I brought extra towels. !” He looks at both of them Madara’s eyes widened a bit “Are you ok? It looks like you just saw a ghost!” He chuckles out
          	  @baby_gaara @Fuck_Tobirama


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@Fuck_Tobirama “I tank I stayed under the water too long.” 


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          	  *....what the fuck just happened."


Helloo izuna! Sorry for my neglect just wanna pop in and convey a message from your brother saying and i quote “hi dork” 


@Smashing-Uchihaz alright then, ill convey the message to them” Hashirama let out a quiet sigh before walking off to go to his hokages office


“I am busy!” He continues to walk around the corner. Nor wanting to see Tobirama nor his brother at this time. 


@Smashing-Uchihaz “your a savage today i see” Hashirama looks at Izuna with a pleased smile “just so you know Madara wants you in his office later on for a meeting and Tobirama is asking to meet up with you” Hashirama smirked 


Izuna sucks..*cum*


Puts Neji in a choke hold. Blade still up against his neck. “Oh but I do recall stating I suck cum . So. You give me that Hyuga cum juice or I will not hesitate .” He states as the blade pierces his neck and  a little bit of blood oozes out of his fair pale skin


@Smashing-Uchihaz  "Wha-"..Neji is blushing."What da hell Izuna?!Nah-uh!Men!give me yours!".he activates his Byakugan.


Takes out his sword . The blade is resting against Neji’s neck. 
            “Give me your cum or off goes your head!” Izuna threatens.


“Your melody is quite beautiful. You must be very talented,” Gaara’s voice came from the doorway, the redhead peering inside from the half-opened door. He had been watching Izuna, whilst the older man would move his fingers skillfully over the piano. Izuna were just another business man, one that would try to talk Gaara’s father into selling the business over to the Uchiha’s, but even Gaara knew his father would never agree to such an offer, it has tried to been done before. Gaara were just a teenager, soon to enter into adulthood. Rasa would always tell Gaara these meetings were none of his business, to stay out of it, but somehow, someway.. Izuna had something that seemed to capture Gaara’s attention, and since Izuna were waiting on Rasa.. why shouldn’t Gaara be there to give Izuna attention while he waited? 


“I have been searching for you, Izuna. Although it may be troublesome, I have a request.” 


Izuna steps inside placing the food and room key on the little round table that the hotel had provided. 
            “It’s very simple. But they are known for their cleanliness. Fresh sheets, pillows and a clean room is all is rather important.” He mentions opening up the blinds to get natural sunlight in. Opens up the window. “The day is rather beautiful for some fresh air.”  He breathes out. Birds chirping in the distance.  “It’s a small town but the people are genuinely nice, i find it rather soothing. My brother would never come here. It doesn’t have any convenient stores that would sell his alcoholic fix.” He states rolling his eyes. Hands Gaara his food. Takes his own. “The food is the best here. If you have not loved fish before you will after you try what they have fancied up!” He takes his chopsticks picks up a piece of the fish biting into it. He nods. “Mmhm! Yes. “ Nods slightly with a small smile on his face.


            As Gaara followed along with Izuna, his eyes were fixated on the menu’s and foods in front of them. He hadn’t realized he were as hungry as he were until this food were in front of him, causing his tummy to grumble for the foods. Although, he couldn’t seem to decide on what he wanted, therefore the two of them ended up walking towards their hotel room with fish, rice, vegetables, and ramen, and Gaara even made sure to retrieve Izuna a few dango in as well. 
            Since Izuna were the one holding the key, Gaara stood aside as Izuna would open up the door to their room. There weren’t much inside.. a couple pieces of furniture, and a built in shower, but it were good enough, and it would do for the night. 


“Hn, a shower indeed!” He nods slowly eyes close softly and reopen. “Well depending on what your tummy is craving  one ramen shop that is right over there. And next to it has  decent fish plates, to beef. “His eyes shift over to where the restaurants that Izuna was suggesting. Gaara follows him along side. 


Hey, (shisui)! 
          Been a while! It's (Itachi) from discord like two year ago!! So sorry I missed your message on my Naruto account from February!! It's better to try and reach me with this account! I'm more likely to answer as I actually get the notifications!! 
          Love to chat with you if you have the time!! 
          Miss you!! 


Heeeyyy!!! Omg I miss youuuu! How have you been? We need Itachi back. Lol. You did him the best.