
@JadedViolet I don't care, YOLO! And isn't it past your bed time, don't make me get the paddle. 


-x- I didn't know getting a baptism would hurt so much. was it really supposed to burn like that? I feel as though my skin was the only one burning during it. 
          -x- mother nature doesn't taste very good. I almost puked up that crap. I think she knows im not very dedicated to her. I hope she comes and visits me, I have a few things id like to discuss with her.
          -x- I could only rub my feet for so long for my weakness is having very ticklish feet. I did my best, I hope I did you proud.
          -x- im not sure if I can promise the rapist thing yet. not to get all sentimental, but I don't know what im good at in life. ive began to explore different things to find what I excel in. I made a list. raping may or may not be on said list. 
          -x- well the 'hug till your in the hospital' thing didn't last long. im not a hugger so therefore it hurt me nearly instantly. also im single, so I substituted that for a hobo on the street. -- believe it or not, they don't smell as bad as one might think--
          -x- I hereby formally acknowledge that i have with poo poo prince, a solid and existing friendship. 
          this is the first test ive passed in a long time. (don't judge, school isn't one of those things I excel in, I tried and failed  that a long time ago. school was #7 on my list. I am way past #7 now)


@xOurLadyOfSorrowsx Maybe that's not such a good idea though.  You only have so many friends... you can't afford to scare them off like that.  And yeah, sorry about that but please understand, I have a life outside of Wattpad ;) I can't blame you for being scared.  I am too.  I would complain about it more openly but it must be done discretely.


@JadedViolet Yeah that would be so normal. Someone complaining, yelling, and making fun of themselves. People would think I have Schizophrenia, that would be cool though. I'd probably scare a lot of people (:     Thanks for finally replying, it's only been yknow like three weeks. No big deal. I'd call you a B word and a lot of other colorful words, but Wattpad scares me. I feel like they watch everything I right and I'm sure as hell (please don't kick me off Wattpad, I'll give you oral pleasure!) not getting kicked off again.


@xOurLadyOfSorrowsx If you find it so fun, you should make a story and trash talk that.  That way, you wont get kicked off because you would be essentially criticizing yourself and it wouldn't be offensive to anyone but you... so yeah, you can be a better person and keep the account and still trash talk!  Just yell at yourself