
..... My brain is corrupted.... that's why I'm making a new story..... I like the idea.... A LOT


I'd just like to say thanks for following me, I bet you've forgotten who I am but I'd still like to say thank you. 
          You're all the first people who decided to follow me (not in a creepy way >W<) and I'm very grateful for that. 
          It's come to me that I'm probably not going to get anymore followers anytime soon or ever, but I'm just happy I have you guys and some inspiration that comes from the back of my head. Once again... Thank you <3


Thanks for the fan! *hands you cookie* <Shameless self-advertising mode ACTIVATED> Hey, just wondering, but have you read my story Hurricane yet? (You don't have to, I just...I liek comments~ they make me so happeee~!)