
Hey guys! Breaking Into Wonderland is being updated. Go check it out!




Hey y'all, I haven't been on this account in so long and I wasn't receiving any notifications but I think I have that fixed now. I'm looking at my last message on here (yes, I am aware this has no relevance and none of you probably care), I want to laugh my ass off. I did date a guy named Cody, yes it was extremely awkward when he found out about all my fan fics and fan merch and everything else. In a turn of events, he turned out to be a cheating assbutt. I now have a new boyfriend who recently gave me a promise ring. No, he isn't named after anyone I've obsessed over. I love him very much. 
          Anyways, enough about that. I mostly came here to say thank you everyone who has continued to read, vote, comment, and follow! Especially the recent few who are all over my 251 notifications that I had when I logged in. (shout out to @PenelopeAlias @AllStar1607 .) When I look back at these stories I personally cringe at how bad they are, but it's what got me started got me to where I am in writing today. If it wasn't for your guys's support and courage I would have never had had the strength to keep writing. Thank you again. 
          Never stop speaking your mind. 
          "Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them." - David Hume


@AllStar1607 thank you lol he's currently ignoring me for minecraft -.-


I'm sorry about your ex but I'm happy u got a new one that's nice 